The chinese envoy should come …

Wer wissen will, ob seine Seite in China geblockt wird, kann oben rechts auf das Banner klicken. Das Whistleblog ist’s noch nicht, aber ich arbeite daran.
Update 13:04. Jetzt bin ich auch geblockt. Und sowas von geschockt. Nie wieder Peking-Ente !

Und hier ein Songtext

Chinese Envoy

She was a princess, much lower than people thought
A master of nothing a mistress of something she thought

She could talk about things that never mattered ever
From one person’s miserable life after another
She could talk to the French and Germans at will
They’d never listen

Calling out her name you’d be surprised at what came
Galloping out of the darkness like furniture
We’d have lost it all if it hadn’t been for Cardinal Richelieu
And all his courtiers
The chinese envoy was here but left
The chinese envoy was here but left in his broken hearted pagoda

John Cale, „Music for a new society“:

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